The Machine




This is one of my favorite devices. I made it for one simple filter the smoke as much as possible. Water does the job nicely, and I was always a fan of the double chambered bong, so I made a double chambered bong that was super-deep. In The Machine, the smoke bubbles through about 18" of water, in pretty small bubbles, so there's a lot of surface area exposed to the water. It's a great smoke, a bit hard to pull, but it's not bad at all.

Of course remember the neat things you can do with a double-chambered bong. Fill the larger, primary chamber with hot water, then put cold in the front, smaller chamber. We've also put just ice in the first chamber, and we've even packed it with snow. Makes a moist, cool, awesome hit.

And now, the design...


Sorry for the crappy small image, but click on it and you'll see the full-sized version. Actual pictures are linked here:

Pic #1


Pic #2 This pic sucks. My camera kinda sucks, and I tried to get a detail of the brass downtube. Ah well.


Okay, some explanation.

This bong is mounted on a 12" tile square. Use gray epoxy putty to mount and seal the tubes to the tile. I completely covered the bottoms of the tubes, just to prevent leaks. The tubes are clear acrylic plastic, the larger one is about 20", the smaller one is about 15". FYI....the tubes were the most expensive part of this device.

The small yellow tubes are made of brass. They're usually available at any hardware or hobby store. Using my Dreml rotary tool, I cut slots in the tube, alternating sides, about every 3/4" or so. You can see a detail here.

The curved tubes are again acrylic. They're kind of thin...I've been meaning to update them and change them to rubber surgical tubing, which is larger-diameter, which would make it hit a little easier.


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